Hotel Vernal opened in 1947 on east Main Street. For decades the hotel was "the place to be" in Vernal. The hotel hosted plush banquets, large weddings, prom pictures and famous guests.
During its history, the Hotel has been home to KJAM radio station, Emerald Club (in the basement), jewerly store, Chamber of Commerce, restaurant and salon.
The hotel's history is filled with joyful memories, yet there is a mystique that remains with the hotel. The older brick-facade portion of the hotel, also known as Weston Lamplighter, hosted its last guest in 1991. Only dust has stayed in the rooms....or is there more?
Ask the long-time employees about the Hotel - the desk clerks, bell-hops, housekeeping or maintenance - they insist the hotel is haunted. Now you can explore the hotel and find out yourself!