This year's Haunt will be outside to help with social distancing. The Hotel Vernal will take a year break as the spirits and creatures move to Remember the Maine Park.
There will be 3 unique experiences offered over 9 nights. Prior to the show, there will be activities in the park included with the ticket:
- Haunt Walk in the Woods (recommended teen or older)
- Urban Legends
- Zombie Thriller dancing
Drive-in parking available on a first come, first serve for the first 75 vehicles. The bed of a truck or the back of an SUV will give the best viewing experience in the drive-in slots.
Concessions available for purchase: chili, donuts, popcorn, hot and cold drinks.
Come prepared for the weather. Coats, blankets and possibly portable heaters are recommended. Carpool encouraged.

Laser Show Nights
The Laser Show will be featured on 6 nights:
Fri, Oct 23 Thurs, Oct 29
Sat, Oct 24 Fri, Oct 30
Mon, Oct 26 (cancelled) Sat, Oct 31
Wed, Oct 28 (1 show)
Your ticket gets you into the Park for all activities / shows for the evening. Arrive when you want and stay as long as you dare.
6pm - gates open
6:15pm - activities begin including the "un-haunt" walkthrough of the Haunt Walk. This is a tour without the terrifying characters.
7pm - Haunt Walk in the Woods begins
7:30pm - Laser Light Show first showing begins.
8:30pm - Laser Light Show second showing begins
The laser show will be displayed on the magnificent rock wall above the Park. The show is family friendly and can be viewed as a drive-in or as lawn seating. Laser show is 30 mins. With your evening ticket, you can watch one or both of the laser shows.

Scary Movie Nights
A movie will be shown on 2 nights:
Tues, Oct 27 - Skeleton Key (PG13) trailer
Wed, Oct 28 - Slender Man (PG13) trailer
(Wed night will also feature a laser show at 7:30pm)
6pm - gates open
6:15pm - activities begin including the "un-haunt" walkthrough of the Haunt Walk. This is a tour without the terrifying characters.
7pm - Haunt Walk in the Woods begins
8:30 - Haunt Walk ends (due to cold weather)
8pm - Movie begins. The show can be viewed as a drive-in or as lawn seating. The movie will be projected on the rock wall.

Patriotic Night
A spectacular Patriotic Night will kick off the week of Laser Shows. The program will feature the volunteers who painted the flag on the rock in 1997 - fifty years after the original flag painting. The stories of the history of the flag on the cliff and the flag on the rock will be shared. The night will be capped off with a Patriotic Laser Light show. Free admission, but ticket required due to limited parking. Donations welcome.
Thurs, Oct 22
5:30pm - gates open
7:30pm - Patriotic program begins
Concessions available. The Haunt activities are not available during Patriotic Night. Come prepared for cold weather. Carpooling encouraged with limited parking.